Wednesday, June 9, 2010

School's Out Festival!

Last Saturday, the Richmond Kickers hosted their annual School’s Out Festival before their match against the Charleston Battery. The Festival drew thousands of local families on a hot summer day to celebrate the start of summer and the end of school! Several local vendors came out including Mad Science, U -TURN, Bounce 2 The Moon, and Great Clips- just to name a few! Children enjoyed moon bounces, getting their hair dyed, fresh squeezed lemonade, face painting, train rides, playing soccer on the Kickers field, and a chance to spend time together as a family. The Festival concluded with the Kickers pro match at 7pm against the Charleston Battery. Families that arrived to the Festival before 6pm got in for just $10 for the whole crew! Ending the evening on a high note, the Kickers took home the victory winning 3 to 1 with goals scored by Gorres, Foglesong, and Elcock.

Be sure to come out to our Independence Day Bash on July 3rd from 11am- 3pm and our Family Fest on August 14th! A special thanks to all our vendors and all the families that came out- the Festival would not have been the same without you! Have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you through the rest of the season!